This homeowner was battling a significant heat and glare issue in this beautiful home. They wanted to retain the look and views through the numerous windows in their house, but they needed to address reducing the heat coming through the glass and the uncomfortable glare that often accompanied it. The team at Suntamers was contacted to give our free assessment of the situation. We suggested a Sunscape Window Film called SL 28 that would still enable the homeowner to enjoy the windows while aggressively combatting the problem.
If you are battling heat and glare in your home and this post created some interest in integrating window tinting into your home improvement project, contact our team at Suntamers Window Tinting. You can reach us by calling 770-386-6170 or emailing us at [email protected] to find out more information. We would be happy to schedule a completely free, no obligation consultation with you about integrating these products into home.